Shri. Madhukarrao Laxman Nawale
Abhinav Shikshan Sanstha
Exploration of the classroom confined education has been set on its track.The children are the architectures of future. Their boundless energies need to be supervised and moulded in the right direction with the highest efforts ever made.I think this glorious task can be best executed by the teachers who are in helm, steering the ship of the pupils destiny towards a commendable zenith.Besides imparting quality education, an empathetic approach is also our tradition. We belive in collective commitment and making untiring efforts to attain our mission of grooming sites to attain excellence.We aim at preserving and enhancing the highest standard of excellence.
My heart fills with pride and immense pleasure when I see my pupils procuring quality education and becoming creative, innovative as well as real citizens of 21st century through utmost skills.My heartfelt wishes are always with my worthy scholar pupils.May Almighty, owner of all, shower all the blessing of heaven upon them and 'Vasundhara' may get grand success to its mission to go on journey of imparting quality education and to play role of educational leadership in the years to come.
Managing Committee

Shri.Sureshrao Marutirao Kote
Vice President
Shri. Girish Bhausaheb Naikwadi
Vice President
Shri.Rameshchandra Dhondiba Khandge
Shri. Bhausaheb Kisan Naikwadi
Shri. Ramakrishna Namdeo Nawale
Joint Secretory
Shri. Vikram Madhukarrao Nawale
Joint Secretory
Shri. Laxman Kashiba Nawale